الاثنين، 6 أبريل 2009

When the judge against?! Pictures of our judiciary and corrupt Saudi

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الترجمة: العربية » الإنجليزية
عندما يكون القاضي خصما ؟! وصور من قضاءنا السعودي الفاسد المستبد المتعسف الظالم!!
في السطور التالية أروي لكم قصة يقال أنها حدثت فعلا في بغداد إبان الخلافة العباسية ، وفيها يحكى أن طباخا أو صاحب مطعم في الحارة التي يقطنها كل من القاضي والحاكم ، و في صباح كل يوم تذبح دجاجتان وتعطيان له لتجهيزهما لكل من الحاكم والقاضي ، وفي أحد الأيام لم تصله سوى دجاجة واحدة وهي التي تخص الحاكم ، وصل مرسول القاضي لاستلام نصيبه ، قال الطباخ لا توجد إلا دجاجة واحدة وهي للحاكم ، جاء القاضي بشخصه ، فقال : أعطني الدجاجة وإذا سألك رجال الحاكم أين الدجاجة ؟! قل لهم أنها طارت ، فإذا اقتنعوا فبها وإن لم فهلم إلي.. وعلى أية حال ، فقد أخذ القاضي الدجاجة وانصر ف ، وعندما وصل مرسول الحاكم يريد دجاجته ، قال له الطباخ دجاجة الحاكم طارت ! قال المرسول عجبا وكيف تطير وهي مذبوحة ؟! قال الطباخ : هذا ما حدث ! لم يقتنع المرسول فحمل على الطباخ فهرب الطباخ ، إلى مقر القاضي ، وخلفه رجال الحاكم .. وفي الطريق حصل الآتي:ـ
1ـ والطباخ يجري في الشارع وفي وسط الزحام وضع الطباخ يديه ، في وجه أحد المارة ، فقلع إحدى عينيه وكان هذا الشخص نصرانيا ..
2ـ وجد الطباخ بابا مفتوحا قليلا فدفعه بقوة وكانت خلف الباب امرأة حامل ، فسقطت وأجهضت حملها ؛ المهم ، دخل البيت وكانوا خلفه فعمد لصعود السلم وهم وراءه ..
3ـ قفز الطباخ الهارب من السطوح إلى الشارع فنزل على بطن رجل نائم في الشارع ومات فورا .. 4ـ اجتمعوا عليه المارة فوجد حمارا ، أمسك بذيله ليحتمي به حتى انقطع ذيل الحمار ؛ فألقى به أرضا ليتلقفه صاحب الحمار ..
وفي مجلس القضاء ، دخل الطباخ على صاحبه القاضي (الحرامي) وهو يصرخ أنفذني أيها القاضي ، دخل ووقف خلف القاضي ، وأمام القاضي المدعين كل من : مرسول الحاكم ، وأخ النصراني الذي فقئت عينه ، وزوج المرأة الحامل التي أجهضت حملها ، وأخ الرجل الذي نزل عليه الطباخ وهو نائم في الشارع ففارق الحياة ، وأخيرا صاحب الحمار وبيده ذيل حماره . ولقد جرت المحاكمة على النحو التالي:
1ـ قال مرسول الحاكم لقد أعطينا هذا الطباخ دجاجة الحاكم ليجهزها وعندما جئنا بطلبها أفاد بأن الدجاجة طارت علما بأنه استلمها مذبوحة ، وهكذا نتهمه بسرقتها ونريد الحق منه .. سأل القاضي الطباخ قائلا أين ذهبت الدجاجة ؟! رد الطباخ ك لقد طارت يا مولاي .. قال القاضي : فسبحان من يحيي العظام وهي رميم .. نعم لقد طارت والله على كل شيءٍ قدير .. ليس لكم عليه من شيء .. فانصرف رجال الحاكم.
2ـ قال أخ النصراني الذي تلقت عينه : هذا الرجل أتلف عين أخي ونريد الاقتصاص منه .. قال القاضي أهو مسلم أم لا .. قال : بل نصراني ، قال القاضي : حسنا إذن هات أخيك ونتلف عينه الأخرى ثم نتلف عين هذا الطباخ ، قال الرجل كيف ويحرم أخي نعمة البصر تماما ؟؟!! قال القاضي نعم إن عين المسلم بعينين نصراني ، وهذا ما لدي ، ليس إلا .. فانصرف النصراني بخفي حنين..
3ـ قال زوج المرأة الحامل التي أجهضت حملها : لقد دفع هذا الرجل باب قصرنا وخلفه امرأتي الحامل فسقطت وأجهضت حملها .. ونريد الاقتصاص منه .. قال القاضي حسنا .. فسأل الطباخ هل أنت مختارا عندما دفعت الباب؟ .. فرد لا يا مولاي (مكره أخاك لا بطل) ..قال القاضي : وهل تعلم أن خلف الباب امرأة حامل؟ قال :لا أعلم عن شيء وأنا هارب بعمري كونهم يريدون قتلي .. قال القاضي : حسنا هات زوجتك ترقد عند هذا الطباخ حتى يرجع الجنين كما كان !! قال الزوج كيف هذا أيها القاضي ؟! فرد القاضي: ليس لدي غير ذلك .. فانصرف الزوج خائبا ..كمن سبقوه!!
4ـ جاء دور أخ الرجل الذي نزل عليه الطباخ وهو نائم في الشارع ففارق الحياة ..قائلا : لقد نزل هذا الرجل من فوق القصر على بطن أخي ومات .. ونريد القصاص منه .. قال القاضي : الأمر سهل جدا .. والحكم هو أن ينام الطباخ في مكان أخيك الميت ، وتقفز أنت من نفس مكان نزوله .. قال المدعي إن القصر مرتفع جدا ولا يمكنني النزول منه .. قال القاضي : إن هذا ما لدي ولا شيء غير ذلك .. فلحق هذا بمن سبقوه منصرفا بخيبته !!
5ـ وأخيرا صاحب الحمار .. وهذا عندما رأى خيبة من سبقوه وخروجهم من المورد بلا حمص.. فقد انصرف خائبا ..وبيده ذيل حماره .
هذا هو حال القضاء عندما يفتقر للمحكات أو المقاييس الدقيقة (ميزان) للنظر والحكم في القضايا من منظور عادل ، وعندما يفتقر بعض القضاة للتقوى والإنصاف كما هو حاصل اليوم على نطاق واسع في قضائنا الضائع بكل أشكال التعسف والفساد ، يكفي أن المدعي على الشخص يقبل كشاهد في القضية .. فمثلا لو قبضوا الشرطة أو هيئة المنكر على شخص واتهموه مثلا بحيازة شيء ممنوع بينما هذا الشخص ينكر ذلك فإن القاضي يطلب الأشخاص الذين قبضوا عليه كشهود إثبات وليس ترجيح أو قرينة مرجحة ، ويلتفون على هذه المسألة بقولهم أن المدعي هو المدعي العام ، وهذا التفاف على الواقع وتزييف وتدليس على الحقائق ، بما يوفر لهم مساحة واسعة لممارسة التعسف والبطش من خلال زج الناس في السجون لأتفه الأسباب مع ما يترتب على ذلك من تشريد الأسر وتفكك المجتمع ..
وناحية أخرى ؛ وهي مثلا عندما يقبض على الشخص لتهمة ما ، ولم تتحقق هذه التهمة ضده فإن هذا الشخص يودع السجن ومن ثم يحكم عليه القاضي بما يوجد له من سوابق (حسب مرات السجن السابق) ..عجبا ألم يأخذ حقه في هذه السوابق ؟؟!! والمهم سيحكم بالسوابق سواء كان مذنبا حاليا أو غير مذنب !! ما هذا ؟؟!! المسألة حشو السجون لإرهاب الناس وإذلالهم وبالقضاء !!
وأخرى ؛ وهي تخص أول المبادئ في القضاء ، قاعدة (المتهم برئ حتى تثبت إدانته) وبموجبها عندما يتهم الشخص بتهمة ما فعليه أن يأتي بكفالة ، حتى الحكم بقضيته فإن أدين فإنه ينفذ حكمه سواء سجن أو غرامة أو غير ذلك .. وعندما لا يدان فهو إذا برئ ؛ وعندها فإنه يعطى المتهم ما يثبت براءته ويرد اعتباره ، أما في واقعنا الفاسد فالقاعدة المشار إليها ربما تقرأ هكذا : المتهم مدان ولن تثبت براءته ، فحيث يسعى القضاء في الحالة السوية بالبحث في افتراضين الأول: ما يثبت البراءة والثاني : ما يثبت الإدانة ، على أن بطلان هذا الافتراض ؛ إنما يعني الأخذ بالافتراض الأول .. بينما القضاء لدينا لا يبحث إلا فيما يمكنه إدانة المتهم ، وإن لم يدان ى100% فهو مدان ولو بنسبة 1% وعليه يسجن من حين بداية القضية ولا تصل قضيته للقضاء إلا بعد عدة شهور وعليه فإن القاضي سوف يحكم بعقوبة ما أقلها الاكتفاء بما سبق من سجن المتهم المسكين ، وعليه نقول من منا سمع بأن فلان أو فلان قد حكم له بالبراءة ولو بأتفه القضايا ؟؟!! أنا لم أسمع أنه حصل مثل هذا ..
وحالات كثيرة وكثيرة ؛ يمكن لكل واحد منكم إضافتها في تداخله هنا ، وأن نعمل معا في نشر ثقافة الاعتدال والتسامح والحرية والديموقراطية في الجزيرة العربية ، بدلا من الضغط على الناس ، حتى تفجروا على شكل ما من صور التطرف والعنف المضاد لتشدد السلطات السعودية ، مع أن الحكام صاروا عجزة ، ويدير الدولة خفافيش الظلام ومصاصين الدماء ، والمواطن في ذل وإهانة مع امتهان الحقوق والعقوبات التعسفية ، والتجويع ، الخ .ورد في الأثر : أسلك طريق الحق ولو كان موحشا لقلة سالكيه.. اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا إتباعه ، وارنا اللهم الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه وأعنا اللهم على أنفسنا والشيطان (آمين)
ولكم مني كل الحب على أمل أن ألقاكم
أخوكم الأكاديمي السعودي المشرد دون بيت ودون رواتب ، وأسرته (11 فردا)، وممنوع من السفر أين حقوق الإنسان يا عالم
د.تشايم الهمزاني
مترجمة أليا من العربية إلى هذه اللغة

When the judge against?! Pictures of our judiciary and corrupt Saudi dictatorship arbitrary unjust!! In the following lines tell you the story is said to have already occurred in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, which is said that the cook or the owner of a restaurant in a neighborhood inhabited by both the judge and the Governor, and in the morning every day Djajtan slaughtered and processed to give him both the ruling and the judge, and in one day had received only one chicken, which belong to the ruling, the judge Mrcol to receive its share, the cook said there is only one chicken and it is by the governor, the judge in person, he said: Give me the chicken and asks if the men of the ruling where the chicken?! Tell them they flew, if they were convinced that's a but to get down to .. In any case, the judge took the chicken-and-Anasr P, and when he arrived Mrcol Djajtah ruling, the cook said to him, the Governor flew chickens! He screamed Almrcol and how to fly a slaughtered?! Said the cook: This is what happened! Carried Almrcol not convinced the cook to cook fled to the seat of the judge, and was succeeded by the Governor .. On the way, was as follows: 1, the cook is in the street and in the cook into the crowd, put his hands in the face of a passerby, one of his eyes Vqla and that person is a Christian .. 2 found an open door, the cook a little firmly Vdfh was behind the door, and a pregnant woman, fell pregnant and aborted; important, they came home and was succeeded by going to walk up the stairs behind him .. and they are 3 cook up a fugitive from the roof to the street, falling asleep on the belly of a man in the street and died instantly .. 4 passers-by gathered and found a donkey, took Bvelh for sheltering lost out to the donkey's tail; threw him to the ground Itlagafh the ass .. In the judiciary, the cook came to the author (Harami) screaming Onfzni you judge, entered and stood behind the judge, prosecutors and the judge were: Mrcol Governor, brother Christian, who put out the same, and the husband of a pregnant woman aborted her pregnancy, brother man, who took it the cook was sleeping in the street, a difference of life and, finally, the donkey and the donkey's tail with his hand. The trial was conducted as follows: 1 Mrcol said the ruling has given this ruling to cook chicken and processed when we come to its request that the reported noted that the chicken flew received slaughtered, and so Nthmh theft and we want it right .. The judge asked the cook the chicken, saying where did you go?! The response of the cook as you flew Moulay .. The judge said: Glory of the bones which pays tribute to be redrawn properly .. Yes, I flew, and God has power over all things .. It is not something you .. Vanasrv by the Governor. 2, said a brother Christian, who received the same: This man destroyed my eye and we want to retaliate against him .. Is it the judge said a Muslim or not .. Said: it is a Christian, the judge said: Well, then, give your brother and then the other eye Ntlv Ntlv was appointed by the cook, "said the man, and how the brother denied the blessing of sight altogether??! Yes, the judge said the appointment of Christian Muslim eyes, and this is what I have, not only .. Vanasrv empty-handed Christian .. 3 pregnant woman's husband said that her pregnancy was aborted: The payment of this man for my wife failed, and his successor, fell pregnant and aborted her pregnancy .. And we want to retaliate against him .. Well, the judge said .. He asked the cook you selected when it paid the door? .. No, the individual master (your brother is not obliged champion) .. the judge said: Did you know that a pregnant woman behind the door? Said: "I do not know anything and I am a fugitive Bamri they want to kill me .. The judge said: Well, give your wife lying at this cook until the baby is due as it was!! Said the husband how you judge this?! Judge: I have no other .. Vanasrv husband's pipe dream, like someone who is before him ..!! 4 The role of the man who took a brother by the cook as he slept in the street life .. The difference was: I took this man over the minors to the belly of my brother, Matt .. We want him to justice .. The judge said: it is very easy .. Governance is that the cook slept in the dead brother, and you jump from the same place coming .. Prosecutors said that the palace was very high and I can not get it .. The judge said: That I have nothing else .. This pulled his predecessors, including Mnasrva Boukepth!! 5 Finally, the ass .. This is when he saw the disappointment of his predecessors and exit from the supplier without homs .. Has left his hand, and the pipe dream .. donkey tail. This is the case of the judiciary when a lack of accurate measurements or tests (balance), to consider and rule on issues from the perspective of a just, and when some of the judges of the lack of piety and equity as it is today widely in the definitive loss of all forms of abuse and corruption, it is sufficient that the plaintiff to accept a witness in person issue .. For example, if the police arrested the wrong person for example, accused him of possession of something that is forbidden, while the person, the judge denies the request of persons arrested as material witnesses and the weight or not the presumption in favor, and turn around on this issue by saying that the prosecutor is the Attorney General, and get around the fact that counterfeiting and the facts, and fraud, including providing them with a wide area of the arbitrariness and oppression through the involvement of people in prison for the most trivial reasons, with the consequence that the displacement of families and the disintegration of society .. And on the other; for example, when a person arrested on a charge, the charge has not been achieved against such a person is jailed and sentenced to a judge of the existence of a case (as the previous times in prison) to take the pain .. screamed right in this case??! ! What is important is whether the case will be judged guilty or not guilty now!! What is this??! Matter filling the prison to terrorize and humiliate people and the elimination!! And others; which belong to the first principles of justice, rule of (the accused is innocent until proven guilty), and which the accused person when the charge is that he is on bail until his case, the sentence was convicted of it carried out both of his imprisonment or a fine or other .. When not guilty if he was acquitted; and then it gives the defendant prove his innocence is mind, but in reality referred to the corrupt rule might read like this: a convicted defendant will not prove his innocence, since the judiciary in seeking normality assumptions in the research I: proof of innocence and the second: proof of conviction, that the invalidity of this assumption; but I mean the introduction of the assumption .. While the judiciary does not discuss, however, we can with the defendant's conviction, though not convicted you 100% if it is convicted by 1%, and imprisoned him until the beginning of the issue and does not reach his case to eliminate only after several months and therefore the judge will be judged the death as the least-sufficiency, including previous prison accused poor, and it heard us say that a person so sentenced or acquitted him if Botvh issues??! I did not hear that there has been such a .. And many, many; each one of you add in the overlapping here, and work together in promoting a culture of moderation, tolerance, freedom and democracy in the Arabian Peninsula, rather than put pressure on people, even Blown in the form of images of violence and extremism, anti-emphasizes the Saudi authorities, although the referees became disabled, and manages the State Massachin bats of darkness and blood, and the citizens in the yoke with the abuse and humiliation of the rights and arbitrary sanctions, starvation, etc.. stated in effect: Take the right path, even if the lack of a lonely Saleckih .. Oh right right us Arozkna and his followers, God and evil, us and the void Arozkna and unavoidable Oena ourselves and God, the devil (Secretary) You love me all the hope to meet you Your Brother, academic Saudi homeless and without a home without pay, and his family (11 individuals), and are banned from traveling where you, the world of human rights D. Alhmzani Chaim Automatically translated to Arabic language
العربيةالتركيةالإنجليزية—الكشف عن اللغة—الألبانيةالألمانيةالأوكرانيةالإسبانيةالإستونيةالإنجليزيةالإندونيسيةالإيطاليةالبرتغاليةالبلغاريةالبولنديةالتايلانديةالتركيةالتشيكيةالجاليكيةالدانماركيةالروسيةالرومانيةالسلوفاكيةالسلوفينيةالسويديةالصربيةالصينيةالعبريةالعربيةالفرنسيةالفلبينيةالفنلنديةالفيتناميةالقطلونيةالكرواتيةالكوريةاللاتفيةالليتوانيةالمالطيّةالنرويجيةالهنديةالهنغاريةالهولنديةاليابانيةاليونانية > الإنجليزيةالتركيةالعربية—الألبانيةالألمانيةالأوكرانيةالإسبانيةالإستونيةالإنجليزيةالإندونيسيةالإيطاليةالبرتغاليةالبلغاريةالبولنديةالتايلانديةالتركيةالتشيكيةالجاليكيةالدانماركيةالروسيةالرومانيةالسلوفاكيةالسلوفينيةالسويديةالصربيةالصينية (التقليدية)الصينية (المبسطة)العبريةالعربيةالفرنسيةالفلبينيةالفنلنديةالفيتناميةالقطلونيةالكرواتيةالكوريةاللاتفيةالليتوانيةالمالطيّةالنرويجيةالهنديةالهنغاريةالهولنديةاليابانيةاليونانية تبديل اللغة

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اقتراح ترجمة أفضل
شكراً لمساهمتك في تقديم اقتراح حول الترجمة في خدمة Google للترجمة.
In the following lines tell you the story is said to have already occurred in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, which is said that the cook or the owner of a restaurant in a neighborhood inhabited by both the judge and the Governor, and in the morning every day Djajtan slaughtered and processed to give him both the ruling and the judge, and in one day had received only one chicken, which belong to the ruling, the judge Mrcol to receive its share, the cook said there is only one chicken and it is by the governor, the judge in person, he said: Give me the chicken and asks if the men of the ruling where the chicken?! Tell them they flew, if they were convinced that's a but to get down to .. In any case, the judge took the chicken-and-Anasr P, and when he arrived Mrcol Djajtah ruling, the cook said to him, the Governor flew chickens! He screamed Almrcol and how to fly a slaughtered?! Said the cook: This is what happened! Carried Almrcol not convinced the cook to cook fled to the seat of the judge, and was succeeded by the Governor .. On the way, was as follows: 1, the cook is in the street and in the cook into the crowd, put his hands in the face of a passerby, one of his eyes Vqla and that person is a Christian .. 2 found an open door, the cook a little firmly Vdfh was behind the door, and a pregnant woman, fell pregnant and aborted; important, they came home and was succeeded by going to walk up the stairs behind him .. and they are 3 cook up a fugitive from the roof to the street, falling asleep on the belly of a man in the street and died instantly .. 4 passers-by gathered and found a donkey, took Bvelh for sheltering lost out to the donkey's tail; threw him to the ground Itlagafh the ass .. In the judiciary, the cook came to the author (Harami) screaming Onfzni you judge, entered and stood behind the judge, prosecutors and the judge were: Mrcol Governor, brother Christian, who put out the same, and the husband of a pregnant woman aborted her pregnancy, brother man, who took it the cook was sleeping in the street, a difference of life and, finally, the donkey and the donkey's tail with his hand. The trial was conducted as follows: 1 Mrcol said the ruling has given this ruling to cook chicken and processed when we come to its request that the reported noted that the chicken flew received slaughtered, and so Nthmh theft and we want it right .. The judge asked the cook the chicken, saying where did you go?! The response of the cook as you flew Moulay .. The judge said: Glory of the bones which pays tribute to be redrawn properly .. Yes, I flew, and God has power over all things .. It is not something you .. Vanasrv by the Governor. 2, said a brother Christian, who received the same: This man destroyed my eye and we want to retaliate against him .. Is it the judge said a Muslim or not .. Said: it is a Christian, the judge said: Well, then, give your brother and then the other eye Ntlv Ntlv was appointed by the cook, "said the man, and how the brother denied the blessing of sight altogether??! Yes, the judge said the appointment of Christian Muslim eyes, and this is what I have, not only .. Vanasrv empty-handed Christian .. 3 pregnant woman's husband said that her pregnancy was aborted: The payment of this man for my wife failed, and his successor, fell pregnant and aborted her pregnancy .. And we want to retaliate against him .. Well, the judge said .. He asked the cook you selected when it paid the door? .. No, the individual master (your brother is not obliged champion) .. the judge said: Did you know that a pregnant woman behind the door? Said: "I do not know anything and I am a fugitive Bamri they want to kill me .. The judge said: Well, give your wife lying at this cook until the baby is due as it was!! Said the husband how you judge this?! Judge: I have no other .. Vanasrv husband's pipe dream, like someone who is before him ..!! 4 The role of the man who took a brother by the cook as he slept in the street life .. The difference was: I took this man over the minors to the belly of my brother, Matt .. We want him to justice .. The judge said: it is very easy .. Governance is that the cook slept in the dead brother, and you jump from the same place coming .. Prosecutors said that the palace was very high and I can not get it .. The judge said: That I have nothing else .. This pulled his predecessors, including Mnasrva Boukepth!! 5 Finally, the ass .. This is when he saw the disappointment of his predecessors and exit from the supplier without homs .. Has left his hand, and the pipe dream .. donkey tail. This is the case of the judiciary when a lack of accurate measurements or tests (balance), to consider and rule on issues from the perspective of a just, and when some of the judges of the lack of piety and equity as it is today widely in the definitive loss of all forms of abuse and corruption, it is sufficient that the plaintiff to accept a witness in person issue .. For example, if the police arrested the wrong person for example, accused him of possession of something that is forbidden, while the person, the judge denies the request of persons arrested as material witnesses and the weight or not the presumption in favor, and turn around on this issue by saying that the prosecutor is the Attorney General, and get around the fact that counterfeiting and the facts, and fraud, including providing them with a wide area of the arbitrariness and oppression through the involvement of people in prison for the most trivial reasons, with the consequence that the displacement of families and the disintegration of society .. And on the other; for example, when a person arrested on a charge, the charge has not been achieved against such a person is jailed and sentenced to a judge of the existence of a case (as the previous times in prison) to take the pain .. screamed right in this case??! ! What is important is whether the case will be judged guilty or not guilty now!! What is this??! Matter filling the prison to terrorize and humiliate people and the elimination!! And others; which belong to the first principles of justice, rule of (the accused is innocent until proven guilty), and which the accused person when the charge is that he is on bail until his case, the sentence was convicted of it carried out both of his imprisonment or a fine or other .. When not guilty if he was acquitted; and then it gives the defendant prove his innocence is mind, but in reality referred to the corrupt rule might read like this: a convicted defendant will not prove his innocence, since the judiciary in seeking normality assumptions in the research I: proof of innocence and the second: proof of conviction, that the invalidity of this assumption; but I mean the introduction of the assumption .. While the judiciary does not discuss, however, we can with the defendant's conviction, though not convicted you 100% if it is convicted by 1%, and imprisoned him until the beginning of the issue and does not reach his case to eliminate only after several months and therefore the judge will be judged the death as the least-sufficiency, including previous prison accused poor, and it heard us say that a person so sentenced or acquitted him if Botvh issues??! I did not hear that there has been such a .. And many, many; each one of you add in the overlapping here, and work together in promoting a culture of moderation, tolerance, freedom and democracy in the Arabian Peninsula, rather than put pressure on people, even Blown in the form of images of violence and extremism, anti-emphasizes the Saudi authorities, although the referees became disabled, and manages the State Massachin bats of darkness and blood, and the citizens in the yoke with the abuse and humiliation of the rights and arbitrary sanctions, starvation, etc.. stated in effect: Take the right path, even if the lack of a lonely Saleckih .. Oh right right us Arozkna and his followers, God and evil, us and the void Arozkna and unavoidable Oena ourselves and God, the devil (Secretary) You love me all the hope to meet you Your Brother, academic Saudi homeless and without a home without pay, and his family (11 individuals), and are banned from traveling where you, the world of human rights D. Alhmzani Chaim Automatically translated to Arabic language" name=gtrans>
سوف نستخدم اقتراحك لتحسين جودة الترجمة في التحديثات اللاحقة لنظامنا.
When the judge against?! Pictures of our judiciary and corrupt Saudi dictatorship arbitrary unjust!!
In the following lines tell you the story is said to have already occurred in Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, which is said that the cook or the owner of a restaurant in a neighborhood inhabited by both the judge and the Governor, and in the morning every day Djajtan slaughtered and processed to give him both the ruling and the judge, and in one day had received only one chicken, which belong to the ruling, the judge Mrcol to receive its share, the cook said there is only one chicken and it is by the governor, the judge in person, he said: Give me the chicken and asks if the men of the ruling where the chicken?! Tell them they flew, if they were convinced that's a but to get down to .. In any case, the judge took the chicken-and-Anasr P, and when he arrived Mrcol Djajtah ruling, the cook said to him, the Governor flew chickens! He screamed Almrcol and how to fly a slaughtered?! Said the cook: This is what happened! Carried Almrcol not convinced the cook to cook fled to the seat of the judge, and was succeeded by the Governor .. On the way, was as follows:
1, the cook is in the street and in the cook into the crowd, put his hands in the face of a passerby, one of his eyes Vqla and that person is a Christian ..
2 found an open door, the cook a little firmly Vdfh was behind the door, and a pregnant woman, fell pregnant and aborted; important, they came home and was succeeded by going to walk up the stairs behind him .. and they are
3 cook up a fugitive from the roof to the street, falling asleep on the belly of a man in the street and died instantly .. 4 passers-by gathered and found a donkey, took Bvelh for sheltering lost out to the donkey's tail; threw him to the ground Itlagafh the ass ..
In the judiciary, the cook came to the author (Harami) screaming Onfzni you judge, entered and stood behind the judge, prosecutors and the judge were: Mrcol Governor, brother Christian, who put out the same, and the husband of a pregnant woman aborted her pregnancy, brother man, who took it the cook was sleeping in the street, a difference of life and, finally, the donkey and the donkey's tail with his hand. The trial was conducted as follows:
1 Mrcol said the ruling has given this ruling to cook chicken and processed when we come to its request that the reported noted that the chicken flew received slaughtered, and so Nthmh theft and we want it right .. The judge asked the cook the chicken, saying where did you go?! The response of the cook as you flew Moulay .. The judge said: Glory of the bones which pays tribute to be redrawn properly .. Yes, I flew, and God has power over all things .. It is not something you .. Vanasrv by the Governor.
2, said a brother Christian, who received the same: This man destroyed my eye and we want to retaliate against him .. Is it the judge said a Muslim or not .. Said: it is a Christian, the judge said: Well, then, give your brother and then the other eye Ntlv Ntlv was appointed by the cook, "said the man, and how the brother denied the blessing of sight altogether??! Yes, the judge said the appointment of Christian Muslim eyes, and this is what I have, not only .. Vanasrv empty-handed Christian ..
3 pregnant woman's husband said that her pregnancy was aborted: The payment of this man for my wife failed, and his successor, fell pregnant and aborted her pregnancy .. And we want to retaliate against him .. Well, the judge said .. He asked the cook you selected when it paid the door? .. No, the individual master (your brother is not obliged champion) .. the judge said: Did you know that a pregnant woman behind the door? Said: "I do not know anything and I am a fugitive Bamri they want to kill me .. The judge said: Well, give your wife lying at this cook until the baby is due as it was!! Said the husband how you judge this?! Judge: I have no other .. Vanasrv husband's pipe dream, like someone who is before him ..!!
4 The role of the man who took a brother by the cook as he slept in the street life .. The difference was: I took this man over the minors to the belly of my brother, Matt .. We want him to justice .. The judge said: it is very easy .. Governance is that the cook slept in the dead brother, and you jump from the same place coming .. Prosecutors said that the palace was very high and I can not get it .. The judge said: That I have nothing else .. This pulled his predecessors, including Mnasrva Boukepth!!
5 Finally, the ass .. This is when he saw the disappointment of his predecessors and exit from the supplier without homs .. Has left his hand, and the pipe dream .. donkey tail.
This is the case of the judiciary when a lack of accurate measurements or tests (balance), to consider and rule on issues from the perspective of a just, and when some of the judges of the lack of piety and equity as it is today widely in the definitive loss of all forms of abuse and corruption, it is sufficient that the plaintiff to accept a witness in person issue .. For example, if the police arrested the wrong person for example, accused him of possession of something that is forbidden, while the person, the judge denies the request of persons arrested as material witnesses and the weight or not the presumption in favor, and turn around on this issue by saying that the prosecutor is the Attorney General, and get around the fact that counterfeiting and the facts, and fraud, including providing them with a wide area of the arbitrariness and oppression through the involvement of people in prison for the most trivial reasons, with the consequence that the displacement of families and the disintegration of society ..

And on the other; for example, when a person arrested on a charge, the charge has not been achieved against such a person is jailed and sentenced to a judge of the existence of a case (as the previous times in prison) to take the pain .. screamed right in this case??! ! What is important is whether the case will be judged guilty or not guilty now!! What is this??! Matter filling the prison to terrorize and humiliate people and the elimination!!

And others; which belong to the first principles of justice, rule of (the accused is innocent until proven guilty), and which the accused person when the charge is that he is on bail until his case, the sentence was convicted of it carried out both of his imprisonment or a fine or other .. When not guilty if he was acquitted; and then it gives the defendant prove his innocence is mind, but in reality referred to the corrupt rule might read like this: a convicted defendant will not prove his innocence, since the judiciary in seeking normality assumptions in the research I: proof of innocence and the second: proof of conviction, that the invalidity of this assumption; but I mean the introduction of the assumption .. While the judiciary does not discuss, however, we can with the defendant's conviction, though not convicted you 100% if it is convicted by 1%, and imprisoned him until the beginning of the issue and does not reach his case to eliminate only after several months and therefore the judge will be judged the death as the least-sufficiency, including previous prison accused poor, and it heard us say that a person so sentenced or acquitted him if Botvh issues??! I did not hear that there has been such a ..

And many, many; each one of you add in the overlapping here, and work together in promoting a culture of moderation, tolerance, freedom and democracy in the Arabian Peninsula, rather than put pressure on people, even Blown in the form of images of violence and extremism, anti-emphasizes the Saudi authorities, although the referees became disabled, and manages the State Massachin bats of darkness and blood, and the citizens in the yoke with the abuse and humiliation of the rights and arbitrary sanctions, starvation, etc.. stated in effect: Take the right path, even if the lack of a lonely Saleckih .. Oh right right us Arozkna and his followers, God and evil, us and the void Arozkna and unavoidable Oena ourselves and God, the devil (Secretary)
You love me all the hope to meet you

Your Brother, academic Saudi homeless and without a home without pay, and his family (11 individuals), and are
banned from traveling where you, the world of human rights

D. Alhmzani Chaim

Automatically translated to Arabic language

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